Social Media

What is social media?

Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.

what are the benefits of social media

  1. Build relationships.
    Social media is not just about brands connecting with their customers. In fact, at its root, social media is about connecting people to people. If you’ve attended a Social Shift training session I’ve led, chances are you’ve heard that almost every single friend I have in San Francisco, I met through social media.

From a professional perspective, you can grow your professional network online tremendously by connecting with colleagues, mentors, role models and other professionals. If you nurture those relationships, you have a whole new network to tap when you’re looking for opportunities or professional guidance.

  1. Share your expertise.
    Social media gives you an opportunity to talk about what you know and what you want to be known for. Sharing your expertise will attract potential professional and personal connections. Learn how to present your professional experience, achievements and results and you will get more and more opportunities to connect with like-minded people.

If you share content on topics that you know much about, you can begin to build credibility. This doesn’t only go for your online presence. If you live your personal brand and your actions reflect your online presence, it validates that you can be trusted and those relationships you are building will be that much more authentic and valuable.

  1. Increase your visibility.
    If you spend time honing in on your expertise, consistently managing your social channels, then you have the potential to greatly increase your visibility and even become a thought-leader in your space. Good content gets shared, so if you are consistently posting quality content, the more people who share it, the more people see it.
  1. Educate yourself.
    There is a lot of noise on the Internet. Social media allows you to hone in on what you really care about and what you really want to read. You can create lists that curate content from your favorite people, thought leaders in the space, or media outlets. You can easily learn about current events and things taking place near you.
  2. Connect anytime
    I know to some of you this may sound like a disadvantage. But, the advantage of being able to communicate and connect with anyone instantly outweighs the potential negative.



Educational process
Using online social networks in the educational process has been supported by several educational technology researchers, who have emphasized the benefits of technologies. Rising of social networking sites, and a general interest in students have attracted attention to the use of internet tools to develop distance education.

Online marketing
You can build a relationship with your customers that makes them more likely to use your services. You can get the feedback right away.

It lets us share anything with others
Instead of convincing a publishing company, social media allows artists to satisfies a million people and keeps creative control for themselves.


Reduces Family Intimacy
Texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc. separate us from our families more than we actually think it does. When a family is spending family time together and watching a movie, in reality, most children are on their phones rather than watching the film with their parents.

It changes lifestyle habits, and it is sleep disruption
Since using a social network is all done on some computers or mobile devices, it can sometimes motivate too much sitting down in one place for too long. Staring into the light from a computer or phone screen at night can negatively affect your ability to get a proper night sleep.


Personal data and privacy can easily be hacked and shared on the Internet. Which can make financial losses and loss to personal life. Similarly, identity theft is another issue that can give financial losses to anyone by hacking their personal accounts.


The addictive part of the social media is very bad and can disturb personal lives as well. The teenagers are the most affected by the addiction of the social media. They get involved very extensively and are eventually cut off from the society.

Submitted by: CHRISTINJOY CARAMIHAN. (grade 11 STEM)

submitted to: HOWARD A. ARANETA. (Empowerment Technology)